
Events on this Day

 Thursday, February 2nd
Snowdown Big Wheel Derby AKA Tiny Bike
2:00pm / Balcony Bar & Grill
"for I will ride, as far as land will let me" Rideth a tiny bike around our loop upstairs. Best time wins! Must wear a helmut and be 21+.  Entry...
Snowdown Rock, Papr, Scissors
4:00pm / Starlight Lounge
"What's done can't be undone." A game older than Shakespeare himself. Must be 21+.  Entry Cost: FREE  Entry Deadline: Time of event  Prizes:...
Snowdown Skakespeare Button Making
4:00pm / Durango Public Library
"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" Deck thee out in some Shakespearian flair. Maketh button pins using our designs or create...
Snowdown Name That Tune
4:00pm / 8th Avenue Tavern
"When words fail, music speaks." Individuals or group teams art welcome in this event. Three 20 second snipits of songs wilt be played. Each team wilt...
Snowdown Cocktails for Conservation
4:30pm / Durango Main Mall
Join us in celebrating 31 years of La Plata Open Space Conservancy at our annual Snowdown fundraiser! Cocktails for Conservation is a lively, elegant event...
Snowdown Jr King and Queen Contest
4:30pm / Best Western Rio Grande Inn
"Though she be but little, she is fierce."  Hosted by McDonald's and Best Western Rio Grande Inn. This is one for the 7-to-10-year-olds...
Snowdown Boozin' Beacons
5:00pm / Channel 37
It's okay to get lost every once in a while, sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves." Hosted by Channel 37. Hide and Seek with a twist! Use...
Snowdown Tie Down - Fly Tying Contest
5:00pm / The San Juan Angler
To tie or not to tie, that is the question!  Fly Tying Contest. Most creative flies in 3 categories, (SM, MD, LG) with materials provided. Fly...
Snowdown Long Spoons Tournament
5:00pm / Union Social House
"I wasted time, and now doth time waste me."  Calling all Midwestern Revelers to the game of the region. Join us in a masterful night...
Snowdown Taming Of The Jenga
5:30pm / Starlight Lounge
"What you spend years building may be destoyed overnight. Build it anyway." Jenga! Jenga! Jenga!  Entry Cost: FREE  Entry Deadline:...
Snowdown Beer Trivia
5:30pm / Carver Brewing Company
"For a quart of ale is a dish for a king." So thee think thee can drinketh? Cometh test thy knowledge 'gainst the Brewmaster. Form a team...
Snowdown A Mid-Snowdown Dance
5:30pm / Durango Dance
"A star danced and under that I was born." Frolic and dance at this family-friendly event, featuring a glow in the dark dance party and obstacle...
Snowdown Dodgeball
5:30pm / Durango Recreation Center
"Boldness my friend." Hosted by Ignacio Youth Services. This all-purenatural adrenaline event also increases dopamine levels naturally and raises...
Snowdown Champagne Pong
6:00pm / DoubleTree by Hilton
"Drink provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance." Teams of 2 wilt compete in a single elimination tournament of Champagne Pong....
Snowdown Classic As You Like It Game Night
6:00pm / 11th Street Station
"You can't lose a game if you don't play the game". Join us for a tournament style night of thy favorite games. Join one, or all, starting...
Snowdown Ye Ol Fry Fortess Contest
6:00pm / Backcountry Gourmet
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."Thou wilt use uncooked French fries to buildeth...
Snowdown Beer Pong
6:00pm / The Garage
"Pleasure and action make the hours seem short." Teams of two wilt square off in this double elimination tournament played with traditional beer...
Snowdown Nights Pinball Dream
6:30pm / The Garage
"I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it." This is an International Flipper Pinball Association sanctioned pinball tournament....
Snowdown Ye Olde Trivia
6:30pm / The Powerhouse Science Center
"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." Gather thine mates and hither thee down for Powerhouse trivia. Four rounds...
Snowdown Job Blow Job
7:00pm / Starlight Lounge
"How art thou out of breath when thou hast breath to say to me that thou art out of breath?" First person to blow a cuppeth across a table wilt be the...
Snowdown Drunken Dictionary
7:00pm / Eso Terra Ciderworks
"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit." Ever use a big word? Methinks thou might not know what they mean! Join Eso Terra Ciderworks and a panel of local...
Snowdown Knight Fight Night
8:00pm / Animas City Theatre
Doors: 7pm  Event Start Time: 8pm  Tickets prices and description: $20 general admission. $30 vip tickets with balcony access and a chance...
Snowdown Drag Race And Fashion Show
8:00pm / El Rancho Tavern
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Cometh strut thy stuff! Dress in thy most wondrous King or Queen of...
Snowdown The Taming Of The Flip Cut
8:30pm / Starlight Lounge
"Ambition should be made of sterner stuff." Hosted by Queen Kitty Seltzer. Flip a cuppeth. Or flippeth a cup. Must be 21+.  Entry Cost:...
Snowdown Pick Up Line Contest
8:30pm / The Roost
"He that loves to be flattered is worthy o'the flatterer."Are you a Romeo in search of your Juliet? How would thou earn thou lady's...
Snowdown Tempest Dance Party
10:00pm / Starlight Lounge
"With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come." Dance party featuring music by the winner of the DJ battle. Must be 21+.  Entry Deadline:...
Snowdown Karaoke Competition
10:00pm / 8th Avenue Tavern
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great. And others have greatness thrust upon them." Cometh show off thy musical prowess at the Tavern! Performers...
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