The Art Squirrels, a local art collective, will be displaying their show "Emergence" from March 25 through mid-May. The show features colorful and diverse...
Numerous departure times! Please check the website for more details! This unforgettable roundtrip excursion departs from Durango and journeys to Cascade...
The Fort Lewis College Art Gallery is excited to host its 63rd Annual Juried Exhibition. This year, the FLC Art Gallery is honored to welcome Emily Grace...
A Death Cafe is a time and place where people come to share food, drink tea or coffee, and discuss death openly and honestly. The aim is to increase awareness...
Mondays | 8 Classes | 4:00 - 5:30 | March 25 - May 13 This class session offers a variety of advanced, open-studio, projects including ceramic clay, sculpture,...