Everything local by locals. Get the tastiest and freshest fruits, veggies, meats, breads, and cheeses available. Plus pick up useful and high quality handmade...
Safely and responsibly dispose of hazardous and hard-to-dispose of household products. La Plata County and the City of Durango will host a free Household...
Kaiut Yoga is a biomechanical (freedom of movement) approach that works to achieve optimal functionality and mobility that is lost from over use or underuse...
This fun 6-week class (a psychic skills sampler!) includes techniques and practice with Remote Viewing (practice of seeking impressions about a distant...
Two-woman show featuring the works of sculptor Star Liana York and painter Maura Allen. While each artist celebrates historical and cultural elements using...
The Durango Arts Center is excited to celebrate its 26th year of presenting fine art and fine craft by makers from around the country. This festival takes...
Jack Ellis is a singer/songwriter and plays a variety of music. He loves acoustic blues and country, finger style folk music, and songs with powerful lyrics....
Downtown Durango's newest event is the Durango Drive In! Movies will be shown over four consecutive weekends on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays...